Mehr als 40 Jahre Erfahrung und Studien mit Pose Method®


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Reduced Eccentric Loading of the Knee with the Pose Method® of Running

  • Regan E. Arendse, Timothy D. Noakes, Liane B. Azevedo, Nicholas Romanov,
  • Martin P. Schellnus and Graham Fletcher
  • MRC/UCT Excersise Science and Sports Medicine Reserch Unit. Department of Human Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences,
  • University of Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA; and University College of the Fraser Valley, BC, CANADA



Gravity’s Role in accelerated Running – A Comparison of an experienced Pose Method® and Heel-Toe-Runner

  • Graham Fletcher, Tom Korff, Lee Romer, Dave Brown, Nicholas Romanov
  • University of the Fraser Valler, 33844 King Rd, Abbotsford, BC, Canada
  • Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, England
  • Posetech, Miami, FL, USA



A Comparison of Pedaling Mechanics in Experienced Pose and Traditional Cyclists

  • Graham Fletcher, Marcus Dunn, Nicholas Romanov
  • University of the Fraser Valley, BC, CANADA
  • Pose Tech Inc., Miami, FL, USA
  • Brunel University, London, UK



Weitere wissenschaftliche Studien

  • Specifics in Running Kinematics Developed by Pose Method in Disabled Sprinters with Cerebral Palsy (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERAPY AND REHABILITATION, 2012)
  • A Theoretical Analysis of a Truly Synchronous Rowing Technique: The New Pose Method and Three Well-established Rowing Techniques.(APPLIED RESEARCH IN COACHING AND ATHLETICS Annual, Volume 27, 2012
  • Pose Method Specific Technique and Training for Para-Sprinters Diagnosed with Childhood Cerebral Palsy. (CHUVASH STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY, Russia 2012)
  • Forefoot running improves pain and disability associated with chronic exertional compartment syndrome. (AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 2012)
  • Effects of forefoot running on chronic exertional compartment syndrome. (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY, 2011)
  • A Comparison of Pedaling Mechanics in Experienced Pose and Traditional Cyclists.(UNIVERSITY OF THE FRASER VALLEY, BC, CANADA; POSE TECH, MIAMI, FL, USA; BRUNEL UNIVERSITY, LONDON, UK, 2011)
  • Effect of ‘Pose’ Cycling on Efficiency and Pedaling Mechanics. (Centre for Sports Medicine and Human Performance, Brunel University; EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 2011)
  • The Pose Method Technique Improves Running Performance Without Economy Changes.(INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING, 2008)
  • Runners Do Not Push Off the Ground But Fall Forwards Via a Gravitational Torque. (SPORTS BIOMECHANICS JOURNAL, 2007)
  • The Pose Method: A Biomechanical And Physiological Comparison with Heel-Toe Running.(SHEFFIELD HALLAM UNIVERSITY, UK, 2007)
  • Geometry of Running. (EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE, July 5-8, 2006 Switzerland)
  • Running: Problems of Teaching and Training. (THEORY AND PRACTICE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE, April 2005 Russia)
  • Effect of a global alteration of running technique on kinematics and economy. (JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCE, 2005)
  • Reduced Eccentric Loading of the Knee with the Pose Running Method (MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 2004)
  • Role of Gravity in Pedaling Technique in Cycling. (THEORY AND PRACTICE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE, No.5, Russia 2004)
  • Impact Forces at the Knee Joint – A Comparative Study on Running Styles (FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY, 2001)
  • Raising Reliability Level of Elite High Jumpers’ Performance at the Stage of Immediate Pre-Competition Preparation. (THE STATE CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE, Russia 1990)
  • The Pose Method of Teaching Running Technique. (Russian Edition, CHUVASH STATE UNIVERSITY, Russia 1988)


Alle bisher veröffentlichte Studien zu Pose Method®